Sunday, March 06, 2005

A Series Of Unfortunate Events

If u read my previous posts; the title is rite huh? Great-great.

Niwayz, I've watched the movie. That movie; the Lemony Snicket's. OmiGowd, it was awesome, the greatest movie and story plot of all time. I recomend you to watch it. I like its story, settings, and their actors. 4 thumbs up lah!

Realise it or not, I often like that kind of movie. Movie that has especially England's or Rome's classical settings, castles, old mansions, or gown. Enuff to prove I'm a true dreamer. Haha. But I'm okay with that ;]

The story is about the orphaned siblings whose facing many troubles since their parents' accidental death. They had their own unique ability to solve the mistery of their parents' death.

After all, actually what makes me impressed was its story plot. There will always be a happy ending in every lives, if we're always there for each orther, no matter what'd happen.

I've underlined 2 sentences that meant deep for me; the first is the dialogue between Klaus and his sister, Violet, when Klaus blamed their parents for their poor condition with their gurdian, Count Olaf.

I dun remember the sentence much, but it means: answers would never come before questions. And it would never come if you're not trying to find it.

When we're qustioning bout how poor our lives are, just remember that someday we'd figured out wut was the meaning for everything we've been passed by. We just have to be tough and patient.

And the second was; when Violet have to sacrifice her life by being Count Olaf's wife-in-law, instead of her sister's death. When Count Olaf was forcing her, he said:

"Klaus, you have to tell your sister that she's already fourteen, and it's time for her to realise that she couldnt get everything she wants. She wants her sister back, but unfortunately I want her to marry me so I could get all the Baudelaire's wealthy fortunes!"

Aniway Jim Carrey is surely a great actor (ga nyambung ya?), haha, I like his act. Maybe this movie wouldnt be as good as it is today if Jim Carrey didnt play Count Olaf. And now the books by Lemony Snicket would be on my top list when I go to the bookstore. Genius writer!

Owkay end of promoting of this film. Hehehe.


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