Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Do you believe in other people? Mm. I dunno. Or.. some interesting fact about our 'anthem quotes'; "friends forever". If u ask me, just dont wanna be too confident, I'm gonna answer "yes". But is it?

Human cannot be trusted. Not at all, I can guarantee. At least it's a relative answer, I guess.

At times you might say such things, promises, etc., and in anotha time u'll never mean that. Not in purpose, of course, who on earth would do such thing (considered yourself as a loving person)?

And it was all my believe, long, long time ago. When I believe that every single human on earth is all by themselves. When u're facing every bitter of life all by urself. Okay if u have friends to rely on, then is it forever?

I kept living with that suggestion, until sumbuddy introduced me how happy to "share". What togetherness means and what life could possibly 'life' by being on each other's side...

...and what friends are for.

How great it was, a self-individualistic like me could have that thoughts.

Then I started to laid my believe on other people, and I think I was trusting them. And when I was on the top of my believes, suddenly it dissapeared, as it never come at all. Just because of a simple reason; dishonest.

It's leaving a scar that could not be heal. It could, of course, but it takes time. Maybe things couldn't be as fun as yesterday, and things couldn't be as solid as yesterday, but have we lost it?

Is there any puzzle pieces left by? I dunno. They might answer 'yes', but can we still fix it? After every single pieces we've been built for has been forgotten just because of one single feelings in the wrong moment?

Sorry doesn't needed at all, coz wut we need is our trust back. But how?


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