Friday, July 28, 2006

Munky Bunky

my pet!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Entering the New World

Hi I'm back! ^^

As what I've told you before, yep, I went to Bandung and I've attended my bimbel there (err.. some kinda extra class). The SONY SUGEMA COLLEGE Supercamp Program. I was the 3rd year period. Phew, I met so many people from all over Indonesia there. Name it, Makassar, Palembang, Lampung, Aceh, Semarang, and even Kediri. So the list goes on. Hehe. I met a lot of new friends, and they all determined one same thing: to study in national university in Indonesia. Just like me.

A lot of fun there, because I've never experienced studying in such a dormitory-like place. Where every single second you spent was together with your friends. Sleep, eat, study, all was together. Well it means a lot to me, hehe. And eventhough it was only 40 days, but I feel solid as if I've gone through one year with my school friend in KL. A similiar but different things, of course.

There, I've learnt a lot things beside those 8 subjects that was tested in SPMB (Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru), which were Basic Math, Indonesian Language, English, Science Math, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Combination of Science. All day long, we started study ad 7.30 am until 6.00 pm, with 3 times break. First days, okay. One week gone through that, got sick. Huehuehe, ordinary thing because stress, tired, and pressure were accumulated inside my body. Not only me, a few of my friends were sick too. But the physyc teacher of mine said that, "it's okay when your body's sick. But don't let your spirit got sick also. You'll have no hope then."

For me personally, I've never been into that kind of competition. Most of my friends had the mind set of study all the time, which I've never found in my school. I mean, everything was going too comfortable when we could get good mark without though competition. Less students made me study what I had to, not what I need to. Yeah it was kinda changed me a lot, where we shouldn't have built any limitation for our ability. That's one thing I regret about my way of study these 3 years, and when I saw my new friends' abilty, gosh, I think I was on the bottom rank among them, although I'm the first rank in my high school class. Pathethic, isn't it?

But then I've got the rythm, and I could work on my mark, yeah kinda. Hehe. We had try out in every week, and I wasn't that stabil. Ups and downs, it was stressing me. Last 2 weeks, the spirit went down. It happened to my clever friends. I was thankful that I could still attend the class normally when half of them were escaping. Haha they were getting bored & tired I think. But still, they had better marks then I had. Not fair, huh? Haha that's why I called them clever. And they had a good basic knowledge for the subjects. No wonder ya.

And despite all of that, I enjoyed those days. The great teacher, the precious moments I spent with my friends; the outbound, sleepy, boredom, sadness of the try out marks, midnight clinic, and so on. So I really really advise my juniors to study hard. I might be good at my school, but when it comes to a national competition like this, it gives me a big question mark. Wherever you are, whatever your environtment is, there's no such thing as limitation. Do your best, and you'll get succeed. And wish me luck for this intake ya. Eventhough my ambition is to be an architect, but I don't mind if they accepted me in the second choice. I really hope I could study in ITB, as I've paid this SSC Supercamp thing expensive and I don't wanna dissapoint my parents.

So the choices are:
1. Architecture of Intitute Technology Bandung
2. Faculty of Knowledge & Bio-Technology of Institure Technology Bandung

Diminta doanya ya.. Hehehe.