Saturday, September 04, 2004

Dunno Wut Is It All About

All of this time
I've made fool of myself
Day dreaming bout sumthing that is impossible
I tought it'd be easy to forget sumone
It's surely easy at first
But strangely really hurt at last
Coz lately I realised
It's not as simple as laughing

Now I've taught
We can't get evrythin that we wanted
But in the other hand
I do regret, why did I do 'this'
Why was he did 'that'

Wondering, with all these kinda situations
Is it just an ordinary one for him?
Since he's very experienced with gurls
Yeah, yeah, I try to considered myself as
"One of the stupid gurls who believed sumone
that doesn't deserve believeness"
Who knows?

If I compare those stories
Everything he've said to me & my friends
Everything he've said to his friend
Are different

Tell me, which one should I believe

Never suggest any "listen to ur heart" thingy
It's all sux coz u dun know anythin

I sms-ed him for the last time at that dawn
Expected some expalaination
I tought he'd have dat kinda kindness
Never letting me questioning the truth

No reply back, not even a word
No nothing
No hope, eh?

Isn't that enough, u hurt me
Explain nothing to me
And how easy when u greeted me
"How r u?!" happily, naively, innocently
Like nothing had happened
Like u dont know how hurt it was
(oh ya, forgot, u wouldnt ask such kinda
question if u already knew the answer)

So you're happy now?
Already get what u wanted
Someone else u wanted actually

Maybe we were just too fast
Seen him in 19th July
Coupled in the next 18 days
And broke up in 19th August
Get to know each other for just...
A month..?

Okay, I'm tryin to understand
If his excuse was,
"I like 'her' lately, after I've coupled with u"
I NEVER forced him to like or couple with me
Please yah..

If he knew that there will be any possibility
For him to like another gurl
Then why does he proposed me that fast?

Lots of call, lots of sms
Doesnt enough yet
Yeah, I was wrong
WE was wrong

Judging sumthin by its cover
But the cover shows its 'goodness'
Haha, now u tell me
That u wont be attracted to that kinda "book"

Like it or not..
I should've had this feeling earlier
That he's no longer mine
And never be mine anymore
Hopes, dreams, and angryness was just useless
Avoiding him was just too stupid
Coz when he's around
I've lost the fun with others
But wut I got to do with all those damn memories?

So, start from the beginning again, huh?

Just hoping for that brain cleansing for me
Like there's any such kinda product in d supermarket..!

P/s: Phew.. U wouldnt know how hard it was 2 reach this 'peak of sincere' feeling of losing sumone.. But thank God.. Praying is believing.. Coz when u pray, realise it or not, u're going to have another hope in ur life.. That's why I should've stop asking God for something that worth nothing 2 me, and ask for sumthin more promising.. :)


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