Saturday, April 15, 2006

How to Miss Your School in 30 Days

Lusa, gw udah tryout ujian ke 3. Gw baru baca tuh, postingan gw hampir setaun yang lalu; akan kebanggaan gw jadi anak kuliah ("Kelas 3: Cihuy!"). Tapi sekarang gw malah berat ya ninggalin sekolah gw. Kurang dari sebulan lagi, gw bakal ujian. Dan sekarang harus belajar jungkir balik biar bisa dapet nilai bagus. Gak gitu banget sih. :D Belajar sampe banting tulang dah. Haha. Sakit.

Sekecil-kecilnya sekolah gw, sesedikit-sedikitnya temen-temen sekelas gw, sekuper-kupernya gw selama di Malaysia, tetep aja gw sedih. Justru dengan kecilnya komunitas yang seperti itu, gw jadi ngerasa akrab banget.

Sekarang semuanya udah sibuk sendiri, belajar, nyari-nyari universitas favorit, dll. Semuanya punya cita-cita dan ngejalanin jalan yang beda-beda.

How I miss my old times, when studying wasn't the first priority as it is today. But the sweetest moment in my highschool is this year. I've never been in the class where everything seems solid.

So I can only enjoy these last moments. Hope there wont be any regretness in the future that I didn't fill these days with happiness and cherish. By 19th of May, I would've been leaving KL to come back to Indonesia. Wish me the best on this final exam and the university tests.

I hate it when it comes to goodbye. It's really... Unavoidable.


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